Achieve Excellence Within and Without, easily Interacting with the World and your Soul
The human psyche is composed of 10 separate interlinked bodies. The perfected human psyche, able to achieve excellence within and without, enables you to interact with the world and with your soul with complete ease. The ten bodies are:
- Soul Body which gives Humility
- Negative Mind which gives Obedience
- Positive Mind which gives Equality
- Neutral Mind which gives Service
- Physical Body which gives Self-sacrifice
- Arcline which gives Justice
- Aura which gives Mercy
- Pranic Body which gives Purity
- Subtle Body which gives Calmness
- Radiant Body which gives Royal Courage
Through the perfection of each body the human psyche attains its wholeness. This wholeness gives the human the protection it needs to live fearlessly as the completeness of the psyche warns the human of all dangers forthcoming. Each technology from the Guru's teachings (shabad and Siri Guru Granth Sahib) creates and repairs one or more of our ten bodies. The purpose of conscious knowledge that our ten bodies are working to is to produce the most effective functioning being who can easily deal with life's challenges. It gives one the super-excellent ability to calculate and live a life of fulfillment and excellence.
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur, widow of the late Yogi Bhajan, continues to inspire many yogis and spiritual seekers throughout the world with her light, grace and dedication to her late husband's work. She has lovingly compiled Mantra, a comprehensive collection of hundreds of his beautiful mantras. In addition, her authentic vegetarian recipes presented in her Eastern cookery book, A Taste of India, including many of Yogi Bhajan's personal favorites, are exotic yet presented so clearly that they are easy to prepare.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
EPUB - 4.912MB - 06/15/18 - ePublication date: 06/15/2018
- Catalog: e07311
- Print-length: 217 pages
- Publisher: KRI; Printed Edition: 2013
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 28