A Kundalini Love Story
Imagine you are sitting in a Broadway theater watching a musical only to realize the story unfolding in front of you is eerily close to your own. It was Beautiful, the true story of Carole King’s life. A sweet girl becomes a singer/songwriter, marries a musician, buys a house, starts a family, writes an album to heal from the devastation of neglect in her marriage, and then leaves. But that isn’t the ending I wanted to my story.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
EPUB - 0.280MB - 08/07/18 - ePublication date: 08/07/2018
- Catalog: e20002
- Print-length: 204 pages
- ISBN: 9780692162491
- Publisher: Caldonia; Printed Edition: 2018
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 79