Awaken to Oneness with this Comprehensive Introduction to Jap-Ji
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In this e-version of Sing to Your Soul, Guru Rattana, Ph.D., provides a comprehensive introduction to the ancient spiritual text of Jap-Ji, a text that reaches out to us all to awaken to our oneness, regardless of our spiritual path, class or creed. Meaning sing to your soul, it was first recited by Guru Nanak (1469-1539), initiator of the Sikh path, after a spiritual awakening. It was originally written in the language of the gurus - Gurumukhi. Its recitation offers a formula for achieving higher consciousness and will awaken the mind to an experience of the Infinite. Just listening to its universal message every day is spiritually beneficial.
Vivid Pictures of Love and Peace
Guru Rattana uses words as an artist would use colors, painting vivid pictures of love and peace. My first meeting with Jap-Ji affected my whole way of looking at mantras. Jap-Ji is not just words, it's an experience! It helps me see the light when I'm lost, and to regain my strength when it is gone.
Beautiful and Unique
"I would humbly like to thank you for your book on Jap-ji. It is beautiful and unique. After reading some pages I realized it was coming out of your pure heart. Thanks for doing this beautiful seva."
Guru Rattana PhD, author, teacher, teacher of teachers, enjoys a huge world-wide following for her popular range of Kundalini Yoga books. Her very readable and inspiring approach reflects an experience gained from over 40 years of daily practice.
Guru Nanak was born on 29 November 1469 at a village near Lahore in what is now Pakistan. According to Sikh traditions, events of his early years demonstrated he had been marked by divine grace. Contemporary commentaries provide details of his blossoming awareness and interest in divine subjects.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
PDF - 4.595MB - 08/14/18 - ePublication date: 08/09/2018
- Catalog: e01105
- Print-length: 175 pages
- ISBN: 9781888029161
- Publisher: Yoga Technology Press; Printed Edition: 2016
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 4