Your Guide to the Mind and Meditation
Printed version also available - $34.95
This e-version of Guru Rattana's book, The Power of Neutral, will become your essential guide on how to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the art of meditation and its role in spiritual transformation.
Course book, to accompany Guru Rattana's new series of Zoom workshops - commencing 12/4/2022.
- Easily accessible and suitable for beginners
- Illuminating for those who want more
- Profound and penetrating for more seasoned practitioners
Read Guru Rattana's explanation, based upon a lifetime of study and practice of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, on how the mind works, her practical ways to direct your meditation practice, and use the keys she provides to open the door to your inner journey.
Neutral Is Our Power Base
In our usual asleep state, our awareness is limited and often monopolized by the random thoughts of an undisciplined mind, or spaced out. Hidden within all of that there is a vast reality of which we are unaware — our soul, the Infinite, inner peace, universal wisdom, and Divine Love.
As multi-dimensional beings, living in a multi-dimensional world and universe, we need more than our dualistic mind to experience and compute what is going on around us. It is our neutral mind which has access to subtle information from our Soul and the Infinite, and through which we can gain the ability to see and perceive reality the way it actually is, rather than the way we would like it to be.
I built my Practice around Your Teachings
I adore your book The Power of Neutral, and am so grateful that I met you so shortly after starting to do k-yoga. What you taught from that book (and of course other later things, too) formed my practice. Love, tenderness, blessings.
Guru Rattana PhD, author, teacher, teacher of teachers, enjoys a huge world-wide following for her popular range of Kundalini Yoga books. Her very readable and inspiring approach reflects an experience gained from over 40 years of daily practice.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
PDF - 6.715MB - 08/14/18 - ePublication date: 08/09/2018
- Catalog: e01104
- Print-length: 279 pages
- ISBN: 9781888029116
- Publisher: Yoga Technology Press; Printed Edition: 2013
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 14