The Art of Success - Fulfilling Your Potential to become Excellent
Also available as an eBook - $9.89
In Everyday Excellence, Sadhana Singh gives you the tools you need to break through your existing patterns that hold you back from being successful. Become the true You! Each of us has the potential to be excellent; it is in our nature. Fulfill your inner longing - Live your best life!
"Success has been written about by hundreds of people in thousands of ways. Sadhana Singh's Everyday Excellence transcends the usual conversation and applies Yogi Bhajan's Eight Elements of Excellence to a life well-lived. A personal journey that is rich in its experience and profound in its insight, Sadhana Singh carries us through the process of vision, courage, grit, humility, knowledge, prayer, grace and determination in order to reach our goals and not only become successful but also become ourselves - and that's the only thing which matters."
Sadhana Singh is a Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer committed to teach and empower new teachers and future trainers in Level 1, 2, and 3 courses internationally. An inspired author, he wrote 15 books in the past three decades about the practice, discipline, and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga and its different applications in the many fields of human life.
- Book softcover 187 pages
- ISBN: 9781934532850
- Publisher: KRI, Edition: 2012
- Catalog: P07033
- Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches (22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm)
- Shipping Weight: 0.55 lbs (0.25 kg) - Shipping Options
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (all products): 57