Takes you through the Breathing, Chanting, and Meditative Techniques of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Postures and Poetry by Shakti Parwha Kaur, one of Yogi Bhajan's first students in the US, is intended both for yoga students and also for anyone who wants to think of his or her body differently. In our culture we struggle mightily with the image of our body and our feelings towards it. This book reminds us of the sacred dimension of our body. It is for anyone curious about what they have heard about yoga and who wants an introductory book, peppered with wisdom, quotations and humor.
With Kundalini Yoga you can achieve peace of mind, expanded awareness, and the ability to concentrate and stay focused and calm.
Kundalini Postures and Poetry, composed at the request of Yogi Bhajan, uniquely presents descriptions and benefits of classic asanas in verse - making the information easy to understand and remember. Featuring rare photographs of Yogi Bhajan, who first introduced the sacred science of Kundalini Yoga to the Western world, the book also includes step-by-step instructions to take you through the breathing, chanting, and meditative techniques of Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness.
Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, author, the “Mother of 3HO” was Yogi Bhajan’s first student in the United States. She went on to make a huge contribution to the phenomenal world-wide growth of Kundalini Yoga. Her books have been read by many and countless beginners have benefited greatly from the teaching techniques which she helped pioneer and propagate.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
PDF - 16.820MB - 06/15/18 - ePublication date: 06/15/2018
- Catalog: e06002
- Print-length: 224 pages
- ISBN: 9780399528835
- Publisher: KRI; Printed Edition: 2003
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 58