Powerful and Effective Kundalini Yoga Kriyas & Meditations
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Kriya contains a special selection from that golden period of the late 1970's of the best of Yogi Bhajan's early kriyas and meditations. It was then that he first revealed the magic of Kundalini Yoga to the West. Students flocked from miles around to hear the revolutionary teachings of the Great Yogi, and to participate in these life-changing classes. Now you too can join them.
- Challenging physical kriyas from Yogi Bhajan's early teachings
- More than 100 Meditations, including Visualizations, Praanayams, Silent Meditations, and Meditations with Mantra
Kundalini Yoga has an oral tradition dating back thousands of years. However, the first students of Yogi Bhajan were encouraged to take notes, make drawings and pass them on to others – the first time that this sacred science had ever been recorded and distributed in this way.
Yogi Bhajan was the trail-blazing visionary who introduced the world to the amazing, but hitherto secret, teachings of Kundalini Yoga and, for the very first time, revealed its incredible life-transforming potential.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
PDF - 162.695MB - 11/19/18 - ePublication date: 06/15/2018
- Catalog: e07024
- Print-length: 350 pages
- ISBN: 9781934532898
- Publisher: KRI; Printed Edition: 2013
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 11