Leaves You Feeling Healthy and Energetic with a Renewed Enthusiasm for Life
Also available as an eBook - $10.79
Kundalini Yoga for Youth and Joy by Yogi Bhajan will leave you feeling healthy and energetic, with renewed enthusiasm for life. A body which is strong, flexible and radiant need not be young in years, as a stiff, slow, fragile body need not be advanced in age. An aging body is a body out of tune, out of shape and most often is the result of the inability to handle mental and physical stresses in the environment.
Each system of the body - muscular, nervous, glandular, digestive, circulatory - is built up, stimulated and balanced so that you can experience your power and the flow of your energy as a complete human being.
This yoga manual is the result of a six-week Kundalini Yoga course taught by Yogi Bhajan at Khalsa Women's Training Camp in Espanola, New Mexico, in the summer of 1983. Though originally taught to women, these exercises are intended for men as well. Yogi Bhajan was a Master of the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga. This manual gives a practical, step-by-step approach on how to develop a youthful body, an alert mind and a vibrant projection.
In Australia and New Zealand you can purchase it from Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Australia
Yogi Bhajan was the trail-blazing visionary who introduced the world to the amazing, but hitherto secret, teachings of Kundalini Yoga and, for the very first time, revealed its incredible life-transforming potential.
- Manual (wire/spiral binding) 61 pages
- ISBN: 9780972011068
- Publisher: KRI, Edition: 2006
- Catalog: P07107
- Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches (27.9 x 21.6 x 1.3 cm)
- Shipping Weight: 0.6 lbs (0.27 kg) - Shipping Options
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (all products): 33