28 Kriyas to Tune-up Your Body for Peak Performance and Longevity
Also available as an eBook - $10.79
Owners Manual for the Human Body contains 28 effective Kundalini Yoga kriyas, taken from the original teachings of Yogi Bhajan, which perform a vital role in the quest for personal health. Most people regularly tune-up their cars for peak performance and long life. This is a reminder that in order to gain the energy and well-being necessary for living a full and happy life, your own physical body is also in need of such regular attention.
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient science with the technology to maintain and tune-up the human body, so that it can achieve peak performance at every age and stage of life. It is this aspect that suggested the "Car Maintenance" format for this manual.
In Australia and New Zealand you can purchase from Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Australia
Yogi Bhajan was the trail-blazing visionary who introduced the world to the amazing, but hitherto secret, teachings of Kundalini Yoga and, for the very first time, revealed its incredible life-transforming potential.
Harijot Kaur Khalsa started Kundalini Yoga classes when living in Oregon. While attending the Eugene White Tantric Yoga course she met Yogi Bhajan and, in the course of their first conversation, he asked her to come back and work for him for three years. When the Tantric was over she flew down to Los Angeles with Yogi Bhajan and Satsimran.
- Manual (wire/spiral binding) 50 pages
- ISBN: 9780963999108
- Publisher: KRI, Edition: 2001
- Catalog: P07106
- Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches (27.9 x 21.6 x 1.3 cm)
- Shipping Weight: 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) - Shipping Options
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (all products): 22