This compendium is an incredible resource on food, herbs, health and humanology
This compendium of Yogi Bhajan's teachings on food, herbs, health and humanology is an incredible resource, with tips for potency and vitality for men; techniques for vibrancy, health and healing for women; and direct teachings for parents and children regarding food, sleep and even potty-training!
Out of print for many years, it has now been made available as an eBook. Don't miss this opportunity to find health & healing at your fingertips!
I want to give you this gift of God, this science which I have been carrying in my chest for years and years, which after my death no one will even know about. I want to share it with you. Somebody once was kind to me, he was merciful to me, and he was great to me. In my innocence and ignorance, I never knew why he wanted to pick me up and teach me this. I just had faith that this was a good man, and I followed him. I never understood what a priceless thing I had. I want to give this to you, and I want you to give it to your children, so that this priceless thing which we have goes on and on for many generations. -
Yogi Bhajan was the trail-blazing visionary who introduced the world to the amazing, but hitherto secret, teachings of Kundalini Yoga and, for the very first time, revealed its incredible life-transforming potential.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
EPUB - 0.650MB - 06/15/18 - ePublication date: 06/15/2018
- Catalog: e07301
- Print-length: 488 pages
- Publisher: KRI; Printed Edition: 2013
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 43