Kundalini Yoga 4/4 Energizing Breath
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What will it do for you?
Do this Kundalini Yoga exercise at a break in the action of the game. It will relax and energize you, and help combat encroaching fatigue and excess emotionality. In games or sports it can rejuvenate coordination and spirit, and possibly avoid injury.
This is a great quick pickup when you have only a few minutes. If you do it 2 or 3 times a day at strategic times (before meals, meetings, driving home, etc.) and when you begin to feel tired, you will notice a big difference in the way you feel.
Do it between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. to avoid the late afternoon pass-out-syndrome.
How to do it:

Sit straight. Place the palms together at the heart center with the fingers pointing up. Focus at the brow point with eyelids lightly closed. Inhale, breaking the breath into 4 equal parts of sniffs, filling the lungs completely on the 4th.
As you exhale, release the breath equally in 4 parts, emptying the lungs on the 4th.
On each part of both the inhale and exhale, pull the navel point toward the spine. (The stronger you pump the navel the more energy you will generate.) One full breath cycle (in and out) takes about 7-8 seconds. Continue for 2-3 minutes.
If you press the hands very hard, and do it vigorously, 1 minute will recharge you. If the mind has a lot of anxiety or confusion, add the mantra "Sa -Ta - Na - Ma" mentally on both the inhale and the exhale.
Sa=infinity Ta=Life Na=Death Ma=Rebirth
To end, inhale deeply, press the palms together with force for 10-15 seconds. Create a tension in the whole body by pressing as hard as you can. Hold as long as possible. Exhale powerfully and repeat the inhale, hold, press. Exhale, relax and allow the tension in the body to vanish.
If you need rest, immediately lie on the back with the eyes closed and relax for 2-5 minutes. Take a few deep breaths, stretch, and you will be ready for action.
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Relax and Renew
by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
This sample is just one of 115 kriyas and meditations
within 234 clearly illustrated and information-packed pages.
Kundalini Yoga Books by Guru Rattana PhD
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