Kundalini Yoga Anger Kriya
Sponsored by Guru Rattana Online
What will it do for you?
This Kundalini Yoga kriya or exercise set helps deal with the major stress of ill-placed anger, on the glands, brain & pituitary. It adjusts the glandular system.
How to do it:

1) Press the nerve, in the middle finger of the left hand above the knuckle, with the right thumb. Hold for 3 minutes.

2) Arms parallel to the ground, hands in fists with thumbs pointing up, press arms back, chin tucked in. Do Breath of Fire for 3 minutes.

3) Roll Shoulders for 1 minute.
4) Forearms parallel to the ground and out at 45°, palms up. Stick the tongue out as far as possible and pant from the upper chest. After anger this adjusts the nervous system. Continue for 3-5 minutes. To end, inhale and exhale deeply several times.

5) Press palms together at heart center. Breathe long and deep from the navel for 6 minutes. To end, inhale, press palms hard and pull in the navel.

6) Bridge Pose with left leg lifted to 60°, toe pointed, chin on chest. Hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. For liver and heart.

7) Rock and roll on the spine for 2 minutes.

8) Run in place with Breath of Fire for 3-5 minutes.

9) Sit on heels, bring forehead to the floor, hands behind back in Venus Lock. Inhale, lifting hands one quarter up with each quarter breath, and exhale smoothly down. For 3-11 minutes.
This breaks the aura and strengthens the adrenals, and gets someone off your back.

10) Inhale and sit up, and exhale into Easy Pose. Block alternative nostrils with left thumb and ring finger. Inhale right, exhale left, for 11 minutes.

11) Inhale, stretch, and open and close fists.
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Relax and Renew
by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
This sample is just one of 115 kriyas and meditations
within 234 clearly illustrated and information-packed pages.
Kundalini Yoga Books by Guru Rattana PhD
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