Kundalini Yoga - Kriya to Open Your Heart Center
Sponsored by Guru Rattana Online
What will it do for you?
This Kundalini Yoga kriya opens the heart center by
- emotional cleansing
- meditation on the Self and self blessing and
- connecting the navel center and the third eye with the heart center
How to do it:

1)Right hand in Surya Mudra (thumb touching ring fingertip), and left hand in Buddhi Mudra (thumb tip touching little finger tip). Both hands up at sides with palms facing forward, elbows down. Breathe powerfully through the mouth (with Breath of Fire from the Navel Point) so that the cheeks billow in and out for 3.5 minutes. Then inhale deeply through the nose and hold for 30 seconds. Exhale and repeat twice.

2)Place both hands over heart. Focus eyes on the tip of the nose and meditate. Feel goodness of the heart . . . think of oneness . . . feel the totality of God right under your hands.
5 minutes 15 seconds.

3)Pull knees up to chest and lock them tightly with the hands. Now jump up and down for 1.5 minutes.

4)Lie on the back and raise legs and arms to 90°, keeping them straight, pointing the toes. With heavy Breath of Fire, burn out everything, all the toxins. This exercise balances the meridians. 3 minutes 15 seconds.

5)Baby Pose (sitting on heels with forehead on the ground and arms beside the body), sleep for 6 minutes.

6)In same position as #4, move arms and legs back and forth about 18°, alternately, with Breath of Fire for 2.5 minutes.

7)Seated, place hands on heart (as in #2) and meditate or chant for 14 minutes.
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Transitions to a Heart Centered World
by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
This sample is just one of 117 kriyas and meditations
within 206 clearly illustrated and information-packed pages.
Kundalini Yoga Books by Guru Rattana PhD
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