Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Youthfullness, Power and Feeling Special
(and to Sleep)
Sponsored by Guru Rattana Online
What will it do for you?
To optimize the effects of this Kundalini Yoga exercise to become young, powerful and special, you should insure that your fingers are firmly contacting the hands, tips to mounds, and that your thumbs are stretched back. It will hurt because the ego is being stretched.
Practice only when you have a long time with nothing to do upon completion, because one of the side effects is to make you want to sleep.
How to do it:

In Easy Pose, with upper arms relaxed at sides, elbows bent and forearms straight out from the body, parallel to the ground and each other, hands in fists with thumbs extended straight up and pulled slightly toward the body.
Inhale deeply, completely exhale and hold the breath out while the entire mantra
Sa Ta Na Ma
Sa Ta Na Ma
Sa Ta Na Ma
Sa Ta Na Ma
is mentally vibrated. Inhale and repeat, eyes 1/10 open, for 11 minutes.
Begin with 11 minutes, and then extend gradually to 22 minutes. Continue extending up to 31 minutes (the maximum time).
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Transitions to a Heart Centered World
by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
This sample is just one of 117 kriyas and meditations
within 206 clearly illustrated and information-packed pages.
Kundalini Yoga Books by Guru Rattana PhD
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