Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
Products and Biography
Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, author, the “Mother of 3HO” was Yogi Bhajan’s first student in the United States. She went on to make a huge contribution to the phenomenal world-wide growth of Kundalini Yoga. Her books have been read by many and countless beginners have benefited greatly from the teaching techniques which she helped pioneer and propagate.

Shakti met Yogi Bhajan in December of 1968 when he first came to Los Angeles. He told her that she had been a student long enough; that she should be a teacher, and that he had come to "train teachers, not to gather disciples."
Shakti acted as his personal assistant, secretary and chauffeuse and within 2 months she was teaching Kundalini Yoga at YMCAs. She took many notes at his early classes, notes which would later be printed as Sadhana Guidelines.
When Yogi Bhajan began his lecture tours, Shakti took over his classes, which were held in Los Angeles and at Claremont College in Pomona. She served as his Executive Secretary and also held that post with 3HO for over 30 years. In 1974 she was ordained as a Minister of Sikh Dharma.
Shakti Parwha Khalsa is the author of a number of books. Probably her best-known is KUNDALINI YOGA: The Flow of Eternal Power. She has also written Kundalini Postures & Poetry, Marriage on the Spiritual Path and Heroes, Saints and Yogis. She has taught Kundalini Yoga since 1969 - specializing in teaching beginners. At "Masters Touch" courses, she trains teachers how to teach beginners.
Today, her books are as popular as ever, and continue to reach out to others, and her teachings have made a large contribution to the development of Kundalini Yoga in the United States. With her vast experience and knowledge of the best and time-proven ways to teach beginning students, her works are treasured by all who own them for their detailed and helpful guidance.
Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1929, she moved to Los Angeles with her mother and brother in 1943, graduated as Valedictorian from Hollywood High in 1947, attended UCLA, and married at 18. She gave birth to a son at 20; was divorced at 22.
Shakti started investigating spiritual paths, reading widely including Edgar Cayce, Ouspensky, Meher Baba -- and studying with various teachers (Dr Judith Tyberg - Sanskrit; Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan - Sufi Meditation).
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